Taking Stock On Shocks: Do You Need Racing Shocks On Your Car? Consider Your Options In This Video

One of the most amazing things about the high performance aftermarket in the year 2020 is the level of choice presented to customers. You have choices in manufactures for virtually every product. Within those manufacturers you have options as to what you need, how hardcore you want to go, and what’s best for your car. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the suspension segment of the marketplace. Great companies making great products all have options but there are a select few that rise above the rest. Ridetech is one of them.

This video centers around one question. Do you need racing shocks on your car? What you are going to get is not a yes or no answer, but a presentation of the things that you should be considering when making a shock decision. You do not always need to order from the bottom of the page or from the back page of the catalog where the really gnarly stuff is.

Be educated, make the right choices, and spend wisely. Here’s the video –

Press play below to see this cool video from RideTech about shocks!

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