OK—we’re back now, after an unofficial hiatus during the COVID-19 crisis. Now, back to the business of covering automotive news.

The release of the Chevy One-Ton pickup was a major automotive news item in 1918, a year in which the world was also dealing with the Spanish flu pandemic.
Chevy One-Ton pickup from model year 1918—a year in which the U.S. was also dealing with a global pandemic.

Yes, we’re back. And we’re sorry we were silent for so long, with no explanation as to why we abruptly stopped posting new automotive news content in mid-March, shortly after the state of emergency over COVID-19 was declared in the U.S.

Like everyone else, we were dealing with the fallout of what, arguably, has been the most significant disease outbreak our society has had to deal with since the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918—a year to which we pay tribute with the photo above of a 1918 Chevy One-Ton pickup.

We should have provided an explanation, and for that we apologize. But the explanation for our silence is actually pretty simple. In the emergency situation, our editorial team needed to devote energies to higher priority concerns that were beyond the scope of our automotive news website.

But now, even though it looks like the U.S. and the world have a long way to go before we can officially think of life as being “back to normal,” time marches on and the automotive world continues to generate more news every day.

We know we missed a lot of developments in the industry during these past five or so months. Rather than trying to “catch up” with coverage of what we missed, we’re just going to jump right into the midst of things as they are now. That will be more than enough to keep our brains and fingers busy.

And even though the world isn’t really normal yet, maybe our return will make some small contribution toward lending more of a sense of normalcy by helping auto enthusiasts begin to enjoy their outside interests once again.

It’s healthy to remain cautious. But it’s also healthy to acknowledge that the world still offers more topics for us to think about—like performance cars, luxury cars, classic cars, EVs, motorsports and more—beyond the current preoccupations with an ugly political climate, masks, social distancing, the hope for a game-changing vaccine, and hand sanitizer and such.

Thanks to those of you who have continued to drive your browsers our way in the meantime, during our hiatus. We have noticed your traffic, and it has been much appreciated.

About The Author

Bill Hayward

Bill Hayward, a writer, marketer, and car enthusiast, is editor and publisher of AutoNewsblaster. Originally a native of the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C., he currently resides in South Central Pennsylvania. Contact: auto.enthusiasts.news@gmail.com or 717-968-0883.